Soorarai Pottru Review: Suriya delivers an ace performance in this soaring, sensitive drama

Even being a cynic, I found myself buying into the heady optimism of this film’s message that should you stick with your dream and follow through, without giving up at the first scream or the first tears, you can taste success. It’s optimism, yes, but Soorarai Pottru offers it with dollops of practicality.

Heaven’s gates are open once again

Was it safe being indoors in a public place, given that a vaccine for covid is still coming? Was it wise to be entering a movie theatre with a disease still at large? It probably wasn’t wise, but then, aren’t love and wisdom often found to be mutually exclusive qualities?

Sudha Kongara: Women have to work twice as hard for half the credit

“She pours into her films quite a bit from her own life, she says. For instance, there’s a scene in Soorarai Pottru in which the protagonist Maaran’s father communicates wordlessly. It’s inspired by her father (who passed away during the making of this film and to whom there’s a dedication at the beginning), who kept calling out to her at the end, though he couldn’t speak.”