The BFG: An enchanting journey

For those of us whose birthdays were never good enough for lack of an admission letter from Hogwarts, The BFG is the closest a film has come in a long time to waking the child inside, providing the assurance that life’s quite all right and encouraging us to dream away.

Lights Out: A few good scares

The gutsiest people out there will agree that pitch-black darkness is unsettling, for there is nothing more frightening than the conjurings of your mind, pun definitely intended. Director David Sandberg knows this, and in Lights Out, uses it to create some hair-raising sequences in the dark. The malevolent spirit in the film is a creature…

Fear of the dark

“There is usually nobody hiding in the shadows, but what if there was somebody there?”

Kabali: Not the great film it needed to be

No matter what our thoughts are about the film, we owe it to Ranjith for showing us these rare glimpses, for giving us proof that the actor has still survived underneath the Superstar.

The great Kabali trick

Internet bookings were supposed to be easy and fast. But given the events of the last week in Chennai, I can’t but be transported to a seemingly romantic time in the not-so-distant past when advance bookings had little to do with furious, futile clicks of the mouse.