Is Vivegam a completion of the ‘rage trilogy’?

I asked Siva if these three films formed the rage trilogy, and sat back in smug satisfaction, waiting for him to explain how it was the plan, how he has deep ideas over the suppression of primeval rage in modern society, how the modern man gets very little to do in which to channel his testosterone.

Horror experience

Yes, yes, a theatre is the best place to experience a film in, but they forgot to add the crucial bit, ‘unless it’s a horror film, and you’re watching it in India’.

VIP 2: Cashing in on the popularity of the first

“His father, meanwhile, has bright ideas of his own, which include revolutionary solutions like buying ‘malligapoo’ because it apparently worked when he was having a tough time with his wife. If I were Raghuvaran, my ears, no doubt, would have been bleeding. No child should ever have to deal with the misery of having to listen to how their parents turned each other on.”