
Humour in a dated horror template When Kovai Sarala joins Lawrence in Kanchana-2 for her opening scene, I realised with mild consternation that I’d actually developed some fondness for the franchise. Their scenes — just like in Muni 2: Kanchana — border on the ridiculous, the impractical, but are funny nevertheless, or perhaps because of…

Thunai Mudhalvar

Outdated and obscene Everything about Thunai Mudhalvar — its plot, setting, pace and depiction of women — is dated. So long as you’re in the theatre watching the film, you can actually engage in an interesting thought experiment by pretending you’re in the 80s. This datedness is never more obvious than during a scene when…


A comedy that isn’t funny Nanbenda reeks of a certain uninspired quality — evident right at the beginning in the lacklustre background score that accompanies the title credits designed in an equally lacklustre fashion. You know it’s too early to come to conclusions, but the warning bells are already ringing. You hope that the film…