
Crash, bang, wallop! Anybody who has watched at least two of all the Tamil films directed by Hari knows that they are usually a hodgepodge of racy scenes written with the primary aim of providing unfussy entertainment. Poojai comes as no shocker; in fact, quite the opposite. Even a math professor couldn’t provide you with…

The Judge

Plants must be watered In an early scene, lawyer Hank Palmer (Robert Downey, Jr.) tells his wife to “water the f****** hydrangeas”, as he gears up for an impending divorce. While it’s easy to dismiss the line as inconsequential, some reading up reveals that hydrangea plants, unless well maintained, break easily. As the movie progresses,…


Banyan blah If there’s a lesson you take away from watching Aalamaram , it’s that you must not let promotional material mislead you. The poster, for instance, has the title in menacing red font with a bare banyan tree in the background, leading you to imagine that you are in for a horror film. The…

Theriyama Unnai Kadhalichitten

Let’s run away There is little that is credible about Theriyama Unnai Kadhalichitten. The heroine, in an introduction scene to establish her quirky cuteness, is shown rising out of stagnant rainwater on her terrace. Presumably, the rain conspired with the terrace’s poor drainage facility to form a swimming pool of sorts. Karthik (Vijay Vasanth), a…